Name: Tatyana, also known as Moriel
Birthday: 01/05
Location: Campinas, Brazil
From: Novossibirsk, Russia
Languages: Russian, Portuguese, English
Occupation: Statistics
Hobbies: Reading, dolling, painting, artisan crafts in general...
Books: LotR, Master and Margarita, Stalker, Hard to be a God
Authors: Dostoievsky, Strugatsky, Tolkien
Movies: LotR, Solaris
Obsession: Cats
DeviantArt (Fractal Art):
DeviantArt (Dolls):

I started dolling in 2000 or 2001.
Later, I had some random websites: a lazy girl that was not good at all in dealing with HTML, the hosts also refused to colaborate. And my dolls were even worse than these websites.
Then, I quit.
Later, in the beginning of 2006, I had nothing to do and a computer so I started dolling again.
Then, I quit. I did it many times, actually.
So here we are :D

"Na Sever" actually means "to the north" in russian. It is a name of a song I used to like, by Melnitsa (The Mill).


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